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Tag - I'll Drink to That

Meal Prep like a Boss!


I’m always asked how do I prepare for the week. I’ve thought about how to do this in writing. I think writing combined with a vlog would be best. Typically, I look in my pantry, fridge, and freezer…

Well, I just… Stop Minimizing Yourself


Stop Minimizing Yourself There’s this thing that we do and almost without a second thought. We sabotage ourselves. When we speak, in order to present ourselves as nonaggressive, humble, and safe we use weak language. The late, Maya…

Need a Revival?


Revival re·viv·al [rəˈvīvəl] NOUN an improvement in the condition or strength of something: “a revival in the fortunes of the party” · an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again: “cross-country skiing is enjoying a revival”…

LADIES—Stop Putting the Cell Phone in Your Bra!!!


Cell phones emit an amount radiofrequency energy AKA radio waves, a form of non-ionizing radiation, from their antennas. These waves can heat up the tissues that are close to the phones. Though the data is inconclusive on whether…

It’s All About the Boobies this Month


This is our first blog post since our site got wiped out back in March. I was so overwhelmed with everything, I really didn’t want to start blogging again. Then my inbox got full with requests on certain…

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